Thursday, October 13, 2016

Moral Nihilism & Atheism


We've spent the last couple of weeks on Moral Objectivism which states that morality exists outside of opinion. Now we'll cover the other family of moral philosophy: Moral Nonobjectivism.

Moral Nonobjectivism: "a family of theories that maintain that no moral claim, belief, or principle is either objectively true or objectively false (or objectively better justified than another) - that is, morality either doesn't exist or originates from opinion."

The corresponding expressions of Moral Nonobjectivism that we'll cover this week and next week are moral nihilism, moral subjectivism, and moral relativism.


As we examine moral nihilism this week, we can define it as "the idea that nothing is morally right or wrong, good or bad, required or prohibited." Nihilism comes from the Latin word nihil which means "nothing."

It was discussed what evidence could be found for this idea and why people would go for this idea. Among the ideas mentioned, some mentioned that because of the constant moral disagreements people have, they may adopt this idea to explain that fact. Additionally, it was stated that this is an attractive idea because it allows you to do what you want and frees you from guilt and possibly from consequences.


The problems with a nihilistic morality are rather obvious.

First of all, the fact that it eliminates morality and allows for anything is repulsive to the average human and seems to contradict what they know, feel, and believe. It simply doesn't seem plausible or true.

Second, moral nihilism allows for logical contradictions. Consider these two statements: "slavery is immoral" and "slavery is not immoral." Logic would dictate that because these are opposing statements one must be true and the other must be false. However, under moral nihilism, neither one is true or false. Thus, logic is defied.

Third, I will quote what I read in Moral Philosophy: Theories and Issues by Emmett Barcalow. "Moral Nihilists cannot have moral beliefs or make moral claims. For example, a moral nihilist who is being tortured to death for the amusement of a sadistic friend cannot believe or claim that what the friend is doing is wrong because the nihilist is committed to the view that nothing anyone does is wrong (or right). Similarly, a nihilist cannot have the belief that it would be wrong to start a nuclear war or to exterminate whole societies of people because one disagrees with their religion." Thus, although it's very much the natural inclination of people to make moral claims (arguably because they know there's morality in the universe), a moral nihilist is out of line to make such claims. (However, I suppose "out of line" doesn't exist in the moral nihilists' world)


I want to take the rest of this time to talk about atheism because I think it connects. Here's how: moral nihilism is the only logically sound moral stance that an atheist can take. Because Atheists believe that there is no God or supreme Being, THERE IS NO ULTIMATE BASIS FOR MORALITY. You can't legitimately appeal to anything for your morality. Nihilism is the only sound option.

Consider this quote from the famed atheist Richard Dawkins: "The universe we observe has precisely the properties we would expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference." Dawkins points to a very dismal picture of the universe. However, if you believe in no morality and no God, this is pretty much what your stuck with. I wholeheartedly disagree with Dawkins' assessment, but your worldview absolutely changes your outlook on life in this universe.

As we consider to continue this idea of morality (or the lack there of) in the atheistic framework, I would propose this as one of the weakest points in their worldview. A discussion using Scripture or science or arguments for God's existence may sometimes work, but if you explain the moral problem well, I believe it can be rather convincing.

If you begin by demonstrating that atheism offers no true standard, you can lead them to understand the logical hopelessness of their moral reasoning. Then, you can lead them to the point where they realize that what they claim flies in the face of what they intuitively know (that morality exists). Once they concede the need for an originator of morality, you can them point them to the reality of God.


Often times we forget the destructive power of the atheistic ideas.

First, pause for a moment to imagine the implications of everyone living with moral nihilism. Pretty horrible, right?

Second, realize that societies built upon Nazism and Communism during the 20th century (which were built upon atheism) resulted in the bloodiest century of all time. 94 million were killed by communist regimes. 21 million were killed by Nazi Germany. And many more were killed in the wars revolving around the horridness of these societies.


1. Moral nihilism results in logical contradictions
2. Moral nihilism eliminates any kind of moral claim
3. Atheism offers no basis for morality
4. Atheism, when taken to it's cultural extent, has proven to be massively destructive

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